Thursday, February 5, 2009


THE BRIDE OF CHRIST & THE BRIDEGROOM: The bride and bridegroom are symbolic names for Jesus Christ (Bridegroom) and The Body of Believers known as The Church (Bride of Christ). The names symbolize the relationship Christ has with his believers, as in Genesis with the marriage covenant, where two become one. Christ is said to be the head of the Church as the Husband is the head of the Wife. He loves and sacrificed himself for the Church (Believers) as the husband should for his wife. Likewise, the Church should be in submission to Christ as the wife is to her husband. Once the Church has been taken in the Rapture and prior to the second coming of Christ to the Earth there will be an event in the third heaven known as the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, a celebration of the Bride and Bridegroom coming together to remain inseparable for all eternity.

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