Thursday, January 29, 2009


GLORIFIED (glorification, glorified body): means to make ascribe glory to something or someone. In the bible we are told that God is glorious. Also, Believers in Jesus Christ are promised to receive glorified bodies like unto the Lord Jesus Christ. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead and then subsequently appeared for 40 days unto his disciples, he possessed a body free from death and apparently unincumbered by physical laws. For instance: he appeared inside a sealed room before his disciples. Likewise, when the stone was rolled from the tomb by an Angel, the body of the Lord was already gone. Believers are promised that they will no more experience sickness, pain or death once they leave the physical body through death or are transformed from a mortal body to a glorified body should they be living at the event known as the Rapture when all believers living or dead will rise to meet Jesus Christ in the air prior to his second coming to the Earth.

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